The Unofficial Solution Manual A Primer In Game Theory by Robert Gibbons Unofficial Solutions Manual To R.a Gibbon's A Primer In Game Theory Static Games of Complete Information 1.1 What is a game in normal form? What is a strictly dominated strategy in a normal-form game? What is a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in a normal-form game? Answer 1.1 See text. 1.2 In the following normal-form game, what strategies survive iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies? What are the pure-strategy Nash equilibra? Answer 1.2 B is strictly dominated by T. C is now strictly dominated by R. The strategies (T,M) and (L,R) survive the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. The Nash Equilibrium are (T,R) and (M,L). 1.3 Players 1 and 2 are bargaining over how to split one dollar. Both players simultaneously name shares they would like to have s1 and s2, where 0 < si, s2 < 1. If Si + s2 < 1, then...