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How to Analyze Research Paper for Researcher, Academic Students, doctrate, post doctral

There are two sections of a search paper counting on what style is being written. The sections are usually straightforward commentary of exactly what the author observed and located during the particular research. it's important to incorporate only the important findings, and avoid an excessive amount of information which will bury the precise meaning of the context.
The results section should aim to narrate the findings without trying to interpret or evaluate, and also provide a direction to the discussion section of the research paper. The results are reported and divulges the analysis. The analysis section is where the author describes what was through with the info found. so as to write down the analysis section it's important to understand what the analysis consisted of, but doesn't mean data is required . The analysis should already be performed to write down the results section.
How should the analysis section be written?
  1. Should be a paragraph within the research paper
  2. Consider all the wants (spacing, margins, and font)
  3. Should be the writer’s own explanation of the chosen problem
  4. Thorough evaluation of labor
  5. Description of the weak and powerful points
  6. Discussion of the effect and impact
  7. Includes criticism

How should the results section be written?

  1. Show the foremost relevant information in graphs, figures, and tables
  2. Include data which will be within the sort of pictures, artifacts, notes, and interviews
  3. Clarify unclear points
  4. Present results with a brief discussion explaining them at the top
  5. Include the negative results
  6. Provide stability, accuracy, and value

Analysis section

  • Includes a justification of the methods used
  • Technical explanation

Results section

  • Purely descriptive
  • Easily explained for the targeted audience
  • Data driven


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