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Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers Of The World In 2019

Are you looking for the top 10 highest earning bloggers of the world? Here WPressBlog has provided a list of richest bloggers with their monthly earning details.
All the top bloggers of the world started blogging as a hobby. When you start blogging and keep interested in it then it becomes your addiction. And it can help you to start your own online business.
Addiction to blogging made the top bloggers more richest. If you have a passion for blogging then you can also be one like them. The monthly income of these bloggers is very huge that you can see from our list.
Also blogging is one of the lowest investment businesses. It requires only a laptop with an internet connection at the starting level. After you reach some level you need better hosting due to the increase of your website visitors.

List of Top 10 Bloggers of the World $ Their Earning

1. Arriana Huffington – Huffington Post

Huffington Post blog is started by Arriana Huffington in 2005 which covers topics on life and politics. It is the most successful blog in the world. The earning of this blog is more than $1 billion and the main source of the income is sponsored advertisement through banners.
  • Founder Name: Arriana Huffington
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 93/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 487
  • Estimated Visits/month: 131.7M
  • Earning: $41,660,000 per month
2. Peter Rojas – Engadget
Engadget is founded by Peter Rojas in 2004. It is the most popular blog that publishes articles on gaming, entertainment, gear, events and review on technology products like consumer electronics. This blog also makes huge money from direct advertising.
  • Founder Name: Peter Rojas
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2004
  • Domain Authority: 94/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 771
  • Estimated Visits/month: 51M
  • Earning: $3,950,000 per month

3. Rand Fishkin – Moz

Rand Fishkin founded the “Moz” blog which is very famous for the Search Engine Optimization world. It was started in 1998. Moz helped many bloggers by providing top marketing articles to increase their blogs’ visibility and performance. It is also earning huge income like other bloggers.
  • Founder Name: Rand Fishkin
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 1998
  • Domain Authority: 89/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 6,033
  • Estimated Visits/month: 6M
  • Earning: $3,740,000 per month

4. Pete Cashmore – Mashable

Mashable was founded in 2005 by Pete Cashmore. Mashable publishes articles on technology, entertainment, culture, science, travel and many more. The source of income of this blog is direct advertisements in different formats.
  • Founder Name: Pete Cashmore
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 93/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 1,374
  • Estimated Visits/month: 25.8M
  • Earning: $3,330,000 per month
5. Michael Arrington – TechCrunch
TechCrunch is a very popular technology news provider blog founded by Michael Arrington in 2005. TechCrunch covers startups and technology news like apps, gadgets, mobile and many more. In 2010, It is acquired by AOL.
  • Founder Name: Michael Arrington
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 94/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 1442
  • Estimated Visits/month: 28.9M
  • Earning: $1,870,000 per month
6. Brian Clark – CopyBlogger
CopyBlogger is one of the best content marketing advice provider blogs which is founded by Brian Clark. He launched his blog in 2006 with Just $2000 and currently his income from his blog is more than $1,000,000.
  • Founder Name: Brian Clark
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 78/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 29,674
  • Estimated Visits/month: 766.7K
  • Earning: $2,750,000 per month

7. Mario Armando Lavanderia Jr – Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton is managed by Mario Armando Lavanderia Jr. The website controversial gossip website. The main source of income is a direct advertisement at various places on the website.
  • Founder Name: Mario Armando Lavanderia Jr
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 89/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 7,898
  • Estimated Visits/month: 6M
  • Earning: $575,000 per month

8. Peter Rojas – Gizmodo

Gizmodo is also run by Peter Rojas. His blog covers topics like design and technology. Like other bloggers, he is also making huge income from the sponsor ads.
  • Founder Name: Peter Rojas
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2002
  • Domain Authority: 93/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 751
  • Estimated Visits/month: 77M
  • Earning: $541,000 per month

9. Vitaly Friedman – Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is founded by Vitaly Friedman. It is the best blog that provides very useful web design and web development related articles. His monthly income is more than 215,000 per month.
  • Founder Name: Vitaly Friedman
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2006
  • Domain Authority: 89/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 13,800
  • Estimated Visits/month: 4.1M
  • Earning: $430,000 per month

10. Cyan Claire – Tuts+

Tuts+ is founded by Cyan Claire in 2006. This blog provides web design and development tutorials which are very helpful for designers and developers.
  • Founder Name: Cyan Claire
  • Website:
  • Blogging Started: 2008
  • Domain Authority: 90/100
  • Global Alexa Rank: 1,502
  • Estimated Visits/month: 18.5M
  • Earning: $175,000 per month

Final Words

As you can see above, all top bloggers’ main income source is direct advertisements. They mostly provide technology-related articles to the huge numbers of visitors and make huge income from their blogs.
Let me know if you know any other richest blogger of the world who is not listed on my list by commenting in below comment section. I will add that blogger to this list soon.


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