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Showing posts from March, 2020

Tips for Preparing Thesis Defence

How to prepare for your thesis defence What's the best thanks to prepare for your thesis defence? the ideas below will assist you within the final few weeks before the exam, but the important preparation begins as soon as you begin your PhD. lecture people and discussing your work regularly over an extended period of your time is that the best preparation. Don't let your thesis defence be the primary time you get feedback on your work! know The Format Of Your Thesis The format of a thesis defence varies from country to country. In other countries, it's normal to possess public examinations with an entire panel of examiners and an audience of colleagues, family and friends. the primary and most blatant tip, then, is to form sure you recognize what the format of your exam will be; whether you'll need to...

How to Analyze Research Paper for Researcher, Academic Students, doctrate, post doctral

There are two sections of a search paper counting on what style is being written. The sections are usually straightforward commentary of exactly what the author observed and located during the particular research. it's important to incorporate only the important findings, and avoid an excessive amount of information which will bury the precise meaning of the context. The results section should aim to narrate the findings without trying to interpret or evaluate, and also provide a direction to the discussion section of the research paper. The results are reported and divulges the analysis. The analysis section is where the author describes what was through with the info found. so as to write down the analysis section it's important to understand what the analysis consisted of, but doesn't mean data is ...

Common Reasons of Manuscript Rejections

Nobody likes rejection. If you’ve spent a lot of your time and energy on your latest paper, only to possess it turned down, it’s getting to hurt. Articles get rejected for all manner of reasons, from easy to avoid errors and oversights, to easily falling outside of the journal’s scope. during this two-part blog post (part two to follow next week) we’ll check out a number of the foremost common reasons for rejection in additional detail, before discussing the varied options open to you if your article is rejected. So, what are the foremost likely reasons for rejection? The manuscript fails the technical screening Before the  Manuscript  gets passed to the Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor of a journal, the editorial office will undertake some basic checks. The main reasons for rejection of papers at this stage include: The paper contains elements that are suspected to be plagiarized The paper is under review at another journal (submission to multiple journals at the s...

Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers Of The World In 2019

Are you looking for the top 10 highest earning bloggers of the world? Here WPressBlog has provided a list of richest bloggers with their monthly earning details. All the top bloggers of the world started blogging as a hobby. When you  start blogging  and keep interested in it then it becomes your addiction. And it can help you to start your own online business. Addiction to blogging made the top bloggers more richest. If you have a passion for blogging then you can also be one like them. The monthly income of these bloggers is very huge that you can see from our list. Also blogging is one of the lowest investment businesses. It requires only a laptop with an internet connection at the starting level. After you reach some level you need better hosting due to the increase of your website visitors. List of Top 10 Bloggers of the World $ Their Earning 1. Arriana Huffington – Huffington Post Huffington Post blog is started by Arriana Huffington in 2005 which covers t...

Purchase of Laptop

The Director, COMSATS University Islamabad, XXXXX Campus. Subject:           Purchase of Laptop Under the Project “Indigenous-5000 PhD Fellowships (Phase-II, Batch-V) Dear Sir, It is stated that I am a PhD Electrical Engineering Scholar and have been enrolled in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, XXXXX Campus, since Fall 2017. It is further added that I have been selected for the award of scholarship under the above cited fellowship scheme. The Director General HEC has released a Debit Advice No. XXXXXXXXX , dated: XXXXXXXXX in respect of the Treasurer/Director Finance, COMSATS University Islamabad, which entitles me for a grant of Rs. 60,000/- for purchase of a laptop . It is, therefore, requested to purchase a laptop (details given below) for me and adjust the cost incurred on it against the Debit Advice. Copies of Debit Device and Award Letter are attach...